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Camera lens mimics human eye

March 5, 2004 - Reuters
Viewed 1233 Times
Rating : by 1 users

Unlike high-end digital cameras, the new lens does not require mechanical moving parts because it works by manipulating two fluids in a tiny transparent tube.

Philips said it will build a production line for the 3 millimeter lenses that are aimed at low-cost imaging products, such as digital cameras that fit inside a mobile phone or a home security system.

By charging the sides of the tube with a small electric current, one of the two fluids is drawn to the edges while the other fluid fills up the remaining space in the tube. The place where the two fluids meet functions like a lens.

By changing the current, this lens can be shaped hollow, curvex or anything in between, so that it can focus on objects far away or as close as 5 centimeters.

The lens will be on display at this month's CeBit electronic trade fair in Hannover, Germany. It is the first of its kind and the technology has been patented, Philips said.



John Doe :
John is a Web developer, writer and columnist.
When he's not writing about tech stuff he's usually playing football or hanging out with his friends.
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