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FAQ hosting install linux mysql

- Top Asked Questions
Posted On : March 5/2008
Played : 6605 Times
Tagged as : FAQ linux install mysql hosting
Description : Juan from XIGLA answering some frequently asked questions about our products and services
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Some Frequently Asked questions

1. Can it be used on a shared hosting environment?
Sure!, as a matter of fact, 90% of our customers run our programs on shared hosting environments. Just make sure to meet the requirements outlined above.

2. Can I use my already existing database or does the software need a new one?
The system has been developed in such a way that it can be installed on a shared database and co-exist with your other database elements without any issues at all.

3. How easy is it to install?
The installation process is very easy and is explained in full detail in the accompanying user manual.
Basically all you need to do is to unzip and upload some files to the web server (BY FTP) and update the database connection string by modifying a single line of code in a text file.
All the application can be fully deployed by FTP

4. My Web Host is Linux and I have a MySQL database, will that work?
Unfortunately no. This application has been developed to run exclusively on a Windows Based Server using SQL Server as the database. No other platforms are supported.

5. I have a question not answered here.
Just use our technical support form and send your question to us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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